Wednesday, August 1, 2012

An Amazing Journey

          March 8-11, 2012, changed my life!
          We all know walking through the deepest of forests is a scary thing. 
·        The trees are so thick. 
·        Everything looks the same. 
·        Though it may be a hot and sunny ‘high noon’ – in the forest, it is cold and dark. 
          Yet you go in.
          The darkness is oppressive – creeping in on you further and further until you can almost breathe it.  Uncertainty creeps along your limbs.  You start to wonder if you are going the right direction.  A minute seed of fear sprouts in the pit of your stomach.   You stumble along a little further.  You begin to wonder if you even know where you are suppose to be going. 
          You find a path.  It becomes easier.  You can keep the fear at bay if you just keep plodding along the path.  You don’t know where the path is going, but it must be somewhere important or there wouldn’t be a path.  So you keep going and going and going and …
          “I think I’ve seen that tree before.”  … and going and … going and …
          “That rock looks really familiar…” and ... going …
          Then a bright, brilliant ray of sunshine peeks through the canopy – and you see that you are going in circles.  Not only that, but that others have trod the path bare – packed with days, maybe even years of the same.  You crumple to the ground, despair engulfing every ounce of your being.  “But I thought I was going the right way – I thought I was doing the right thing.”
          What is to be done?  “Please, please, if I could just get some help … please show me the way.”
          Suddenly, the wind rustles through the branches overhead.  Sunshine streams down through the foliage, and you spy a brake in the trees.  You jump up and move to the light.  Just as you reach it another beam shines forth a little further on.  With each step towards the light, another appears.  You move forward, ever more impressed and ever more grateful. 
          Along the way, you see wonderful things.  You are lead to hurtles that intimidate, but keeping your eye on the light – they aren’t as bad as you thought.  You experience things that you would never have tried when you were on the other path.  And when you finally – finally! – emerge from the woods, you never dreamed such a destination was possible.  You never dreamed that such wonderful things could have happened to you.  And you never imagined that you could become the person that emerges – way back when you found the Sunshine Along the Way.
          This is the journey that I am on now.  I invite you to come along with me.  I promise you will never be the same….